Are we in a flood zone? Yes!
We hear it over and over -
"My home isn't in a flood zone."
"Our business has business insurance."
"This building is on a hill."
Years ago, flood maps were not easily accessible to the public. Property owners and home owners knew if their lender or mortgage company required flood insurance - or hoped their insurance agent told the buyer that their home was in a high hazard area. Homeowners, Renters, and most Business Owners policies do not cover damage caused by flood.
Technology has made it easier to access and read flood maps. Every property in the State of North Carolina is in a flood zone. Want to know how to find your home or building on a flood map? If you know the postal address of a building, you can look it up on the FEMA website at . It's free to use these online maps.
Why do you want to look up your home? The flood map not only shows each location, but provides an overview of any high hazard areas near your property. Perhaps your house is 50 feet from a higher hazard area. Wouldn't you want to know? Would it change your decision about whether or not to purchase flood insurance? Serving on a board or running a non-profit organization? Own a business? Knowing the flood exposure to your property can help you to make knowledgeable decisions - deciding where to place your storage shed or picnic tables? To decide which college apartment to rent for your student?
Two of these houses are in an X zone - Not a high hazard area. Mortgage companies will not require insurance for the two houses in the middle. Surrounded by area that expects 11 or 12 feet of flooding.
Know your risk! Look up your property today.
Flood insurance is available for homes, rental properties, tenants, businesses, condo associations, renters, and condo unit owners. Flood policies are available for churches, community groups, and non-profits too. Find out what you need to know today! Look up your flood zone and call us at Anders, Ireland and Marshall for a flood quote today!
*** Please note, there is a mandatory 30 day wait between applying for flood coverage and the policy start - don't wait. Call us today!***

Take the time to check your property today!
FEMA website at