Significant life events are good reasons to evaluate your life insurance needs.
Weddings. Bridal showers. Graduations. Family reunions.
What is the connection between these joyous occasions and life insurance? The answer is, (drum roll please), they’re all reminders of love and protection. My happiness is tied to the people I love and hold most dear in my life. My child, my wife, my family are what make me happy. I would do anything in my power to protect those I love.
So what is life insurance, but the ultimate gesture of love and protection? I understand no one wants to talk about it, but it’s necessary.
Statistics reported by LIMRA™, a life insurance industry education and research association, show that there is a life insurance deficit in our country – life insurance ownership is at a 50-year low. It’s startling to see these figures:
-There was a $15 trillion shortfall in life insurance as compared with the need
-30 percent of households (116 million people) have no life insurance
-11 million households with children have no life insurance
Life insurance is something you need to review whenever you have a life-changing event: marriage, divorce, children, or a new home. These events could trigger a need for additional coverage or require you to update your beneficiaries. My life insurance represents my final gift to my family. It’s important that it be delivered appropriately.
If you haven’t been doing an annual review of your life insurance, let your family events serve as a reminder to talk to your agent about your family’s needs. Anders, Ireland & Marshall Inc. can help you compare term life insurance and permanent life insurance – either whole life or universal life – and find the right combination to fit your situation.
Don’t let the year go by without a moment of reflection on what’s most important to you. Call us at 919-755-1401 - Jackie F. Ireland Jr., Sherry Marshall, or Steven Odrezin will be happy to assist you!
Original Article by By Tyson Dailey