Have you retired? Become a stay at home parent? We want to hear from YOU so we can update your auto policy!
Your personal auto policy includes "usage" of your vehicle. Each car is rated for commercial use (a realtor driving clients to visit homes), commuting to and from work - even farming has a separate class. When you retire or become a stay at home parent, your car becomes "pleasure use." Call us to update your policy! We want to be sure you get all the discounts you should be getting. With all the changes that come with retirement, don't forget to let us know you are no longer commuting to work each day.
You started to stay home with the kids? Or the grandkids? Don't forget to let us know to change your auto insurance, just call us at 919-755-1401. Don't have time during the day? Email mrand@aim-insurance.com and our personal lines account manager, Melanie Rand, can make this change for you.