Jewelry is just one category of items that can be protected with personal articles coverage.
Gold and diamonds and furs, oh my!
While your homeowners policy may cover valuables when lost, stolen or damaged, many policies limit the valuation of items such as jewelry, silverware, works of art, furs or collectibles. That policy may pay only the limit and not cover the full value of each item.
If you have items of value, ask us about personal articles coverage.
You receive better protection for certain valuables with personal articles coverage because you can schedule each item at its specific value. A bill of sale or a recent appraisal may be all you need to show the proper insurable value for most items.
Personal articles coverage can properly insure your special property such as:
- jewelry, watches, furs and mounted precious stones
- silverware, goldware, pewterware and coin collections
- golf clubs and similar sporting equipment
- guns, swords and other such weapons
- antiques, stamp collections and musical instruments
- paintings, sculptures and other works of art
Other personal property may qualify, so be sure to ask us about any items you want considered.
Personal articles insurance also may cover many special items for direct physical loss or damage wherever they are throughout the world, unless specifically excluded by the policy.
Ask your local, independent insurance agent if you can choose a policy that offers standard coverage with no deductible. See if you qualify for a premium discount by selecting a higher deductible. And remember, most insurance companies offer additional discounts when you have more than one policy with the same carrier such as a homeowners, condominium or renters’ policy combined with a personal umbrella, auto or watercraft policy.
If you already have protection for your special valuables and collections, now is a good time to update your policy amounts to reflect today’s market values and recent acquisitions. For information, coverage availability in your state, a quote or policy service, please contact Anders, Ireland & Marshall at 919-755-1401.
By Cincinnati Personal Lines